English Quiz

 Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The constitution of Independent India and various laws (1) to meet the constitution obligations have fortified the position of woman vis-a vis the man. But it is (2) on paper only. The myth that more and more women are getting higher education and are occupying position of responsibility in all walks of life is falsified  by the (3) of dowry deaths and divorce  cases filed in the  (4) courts. One look at the national dailies will tell the(5) tale of Indian
women ,women who(6) a child is bargained for bridal price or when she grows up serves as a supplier of dowry for her husband’s family or who as a widow immolates herself on husband’s (7) to be(8) sati.Our study about woman’s place in Indian society is mainly based on urban professional and educated Indian women. Deep in the rural heartland of the country, the rapidly changing world has not even touched the (9) of life of a woman.  Most men of orthodox families take (10) in revealing  that their women folk stay in ‘purdah’ a shield that deprives  a woman of the joys of free nature.

1.    (A) Drawn        
(B) Enacted      
(C) Created      
(D) Crafted      
(E) Manufactured

2.    (A) Just
(B) All                 
(C) Something
(D) Anything   
(E) Any body

3.    (A) Many          
(B) Rise              
(C) Number     
(D) Numerical 
(E) Much

4.    (A) Civil
(B) Social           
(C) Criminal      
(D) Company  
(E) Public

5.    (A) Horrifying
(B) Sordid
(C) Painful        
(D) Critical        
(E) Satirical

6.    (A) Since
(B) as  
(C) being                           
(D) former       
(E) for

7.    (A) corpse
(B) woods        
(C) pyre                             
(D) incineration
(E) extinguish

8.    (A) appreciated
(B) acclaimed  
(C) marked      
(D) notify                          
(E) mix

9.    (A) end              
(B) edge                            
(C) fringe                          
(D) plain                            
(E) deep

10. (A) fame
(B) Pride                           
(C) Boast                           
(D) Proclaim    
(E) Promote

Answers :
1. (B)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (A)
5. (C)
6. (A)
7. (C)
8. (C)
9. (C)
10. (B

 Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The constitution of Independent India and various laws (1) to meet the constitution obligations have fortified the position of woman vis-a vis the man. But it is (2) on paper only. The myth that more and more women are getting higher education and are occupying position of responsibility in all walks of life is falsified  by the (3) of dowry deaths and divorce  cases filed in the  (4) courts. One look at the national dailies will tell the(5) tale of Indian
women ,women who(6) a child is bargained for bridal price or when she grows up serves as a supplier of dowry for her husband’s family or who as a widow immolates herself on husband’s (7) to be(8) sati.Our study about woman’s place in Indian society is mainly based on urban professional and educated Indian women. Deep in the rural heartland of the country, the rapidly changing world has not even touched the (9) of life of a woman.  Most men of orthodox families take (10) in revealing  that their women folk stay in ‘purdah’ a shield that deprives  a woman of the joys of free nature.

1.    (A) Drawn        
(B) Enacted      
(C) Created      
(D) Crafted      
(E) Manufactured

2.    (A) Just
(B) All                 
(C) Something
(D) Anything   
(E) Any body

3.    (A) Many          
(B) Rise              
(C) Number     
(D) Numerical 
(E) Much

4.    (A) Civil
(B) Social           
(C) Criminal      
(D) Company  
(E) Public

5.    (A) Horrifying
(B) Sordid
(C) Painful        
(D) Critical        
(E) Satirical

6.    (A) Since
(B) as  
(C) being                           
(D) former       
(E) for

7.    (A) corpse
(B) woods        
(C) pyre                             
(D) incineration
(E) extinguish

8.    (A) appreciated
(B) acclaimed  
(C) marked      
(D) notify                          
(E) mix

9.    (A) end              
(B) edge                            
(C) fringe                          
(D) plain                            
(E) deep

10. (A) fame
(B) Pride                           
(C) Boast                           
(D) Proclaim    
(E) Promote

Answers :
1. (B)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (A)
5. (C)
6. (A)
7. (C)
8. (C)
9. (C)
10. (B

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