
Directions (Q. 1-5): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

(A) Special care needs to be taken to reform the other State taxes, viz state excise, motor vehicles tax, passengers and goods tax, and stamp duty and registration fee.
(B) The introduction of GST in the indirect tax system of the Union and the State Governments and the DTC in the direct taxes of the Union Government will help establish an economically efficient, cost effective and transparent tax system.
(C) That would make the Indian tax system suitable for taking the country towards a new horizon of future growth and prosperity.
(D) It would make the Indian tax payer competitive at home as well as in the international market.
(E) Also, the other taxes at the state level need to be further reformed.
(F) It is, however, important to remove the bumps and road blocks in its introduction.

1. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) F
2) E
3) B
4) A
5) C

2. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) E
5) D

3. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) E
2) F
3) D
4) C
5) B

4. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) B
2) D
3) F
4) E
5) C

5. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
1) C
2) A
3) B
4) D
5) F

1- 3
2- 5
3- 2
4- 4
5- 1

Directions (Q. 1-5): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

(A) Special care needs to be taken to reform the other State taxes, viz state excise, motor vehicles tax, passengers and goods tax, and stamp duty and registration fee.
(B) The introduction of GST in the indirect tax system of the Union and the State Governments and the DTC in the direct taxes of the Union Government will help establish an economically efficient, cost effective and transparent tax system.
(C) That would make the Indian tax system suitable for taking the country towards a new horizon of future growth and prosperity.
(D) It would make the Indian tax payer competitive at home as well as in the international market.
(E) Also, the other taxes at the state level need to be further reformed.
(F) It is, however, important to remove the bumps and road blocks in its introduction.

1. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) F
2) E
3) B
4) A
5) C

2. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) E
5) D

3. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) E
2) F
3) D
4) C
5) B

4. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) B
2) D
3) F
4) E
5) C

5. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
1) C
2) A
3) B
4) D
5) F

1- 3
2- 5
3- 2
4- 4
5- 1

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