"ExamGuruAdda: Top website for Daily Current Affairs , General Awareness : General Studies Quiz for SSC 10+2

General Studies Quiz for SSC 10+2

1. The Constitution of India, describes India as -
1. Union of States
2. A Federation
3. A quasi-federal
4. Unitary

2. What name is given to the soil brought down by the rivers?
1. Laterite Soil
2. Black Soil
3. Alluvial Soil
4. Red Soil

3. Which country is separated from Pakistan by the Durand Line?
1. Pakistan
2. Afghanistan
3. China
4. Nepal

4.  Who is the composer of National Anthem of India?
1 . Bankim Chandra Chatterji
2.  Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
3.  Rabindranath Tagore
4.  Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

5 The International Labour Organisation is headquartered at
1.  Washington.
2.  Paris.
3.  Geneva.
4.  Rome.

6.  Who is regarded as ‘The Father of Economics’?
1.  J. M. Keynes
2. J. K. Galbraith
3 Vernon Smith
4 Adam Smith

7.  The first person to walk in space is ___.
1. Neil Armstrong
2. A. A. Leonov
3. Yuri Gagarin
4. Edwin Aldrin

8. The terms 'bull' and 'bear' are used in -
1. Planning Commission
2. Stock Exchange
3. Sale Tax Department
4. Income Tax Department

9. Joint Parliamentary Sessions in India are chaired by the -
1. President of India
2. Vice President of India who is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
3. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
4. Prime Minister of India

10. Where is the headquarters of Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) situated?
1.  Vienna
2.  New York
3.  Abu Dhabi
4.  Kuwait City

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