The online examination for the Common Recruitment Process (CRP) for selection of personnel Officers’ cadre posts in the Participating Organisations listed below is tentatively scheduled in January 2017 (28.01.2017 & 29.01.2017 tentative)
Selection Process
It consist of Two phases-
1. Online Exam
2. Interview
Important Dates :
Online Registration including edit/modification of application of candidates 16.11.2016 to 02.12.2016
Payment of Application Fees- Online 16.11.2016 to 02.12.2016
Download of Call letter for Examination After 16.01.2017
Online Examination (Tentative dates)- some/ all/ additional dates as the need arises28.01.2017 & 29.01.2017
Declaration of result status of examination (CWE) 16.02.2017
Download of call letters for Interview After 24.02.2017
Conduct of Interview March 2017
Provisional Allotment On or after 01.04.2017
Selection Process
It consist of Two phases-
1. Online Exam
2. Interview
Important Dates :
Online Registration including edit/modification of application of candidates 16.11.2016 to 02.12.2016
Payment of Application Fees- Online 16.11.2016 to 02.12.2016
Download of Call letter for Examination After 16.01.2017
Online Examination (Tentative dates)- some/ all/ additional dates as the need arises28.01.2017 & 29.01.2017
Declaration of result status of examination (CWE) 16.02.2017
Download of call letters for Interview After 24.02.2017
Conduct of Interview March 2017
Provisional Allotment On or after 01.04.2017
Candidates who have been shortlisted in the examination for CRP SPL-VI will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organisations and coordinated by the nodal banks with the help of IBPS. Interviews will be conducted at select centres. The centre, address of the venue, time & date of Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their interview call letters from authorised IBPS website
1. Reasoning-50 Questions
Test of Reasoning- 50 marksIt consist of Input-output, puzzles, statement argument, statement and conclusion, statement and assumption, decision making, direction, Blood relation , coding decoding, direction sense etc.
2.English Language- 50 marks
It consist of a) Comprehension
b) Cloze test
c) Fill in the blanks
d) paragraph rearrangement
e) Antonyms, synonyms or idiom phrases also a part of paper usually
3. General Awareness-50 marks
General Awareness: In this section questions will be asked from:
Current Affairs -In current Affairs topics covered are
Recent appointments in India and World,
Person in news,
persons died,
Awards and Honours,
Sports events,
Important books and author,
Important Days,
Capital and currency,
recent committees,
Banking Awareness - recent banking updates , News related with RBI and knowledge of banking terms
4. Professional Knowledge -50 marks.
In this section questions asked from respective fields like IT, finance, Agriculture, marketing etc.
5. Quantitative Aptitude- 50Marks
In this section questions asked from D.I, series, time and work, miscellaneous,profit and loss, percentage,boat and stream, ratio, allegation, mixture etc.
IT Officer
1. Data Base Management System (DBMS) - RDBMS, Normalization, Overview of SQL queries, E- R Diagrams, Transaction Management
2. Data Communication & Networking – Network Architecture, OSI Model, TCP-IP Model, Data Communication, IP Addressing (Subnetting)
3. Operating System – Process, Thread, Types of OS, Semaphore, Scheduling, Dead Lock, Memory Partitioning, Page Replacement
4. Computer organization + Hardware (Microprocessor )
5. Network Security – Cyber Crimes, Risk Management, Firewall
6. Software Engineering –
7. Data Structures – Array, Linked List, Stacks
8. Web Technologies – HTML Tags, XML, Network Security
9. Programming Languages (BASIC) – C, C++, OOP (Objected oriented Programming)
Note- Maximum Questions asked from 1&2 above
HR syllabus Topics- Human Resource Management
-Human Resource Development: Strategies and Systems
-Human Resource Information System
-Recruitment & Selection
-Training and Development
-Rewards & Recognition
-Performance Management & Appraisal
-Management of Compensations and Benefits
-Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS- trade unions, laws etc
-Managing change and organizational effectiveness
Managing Interpersonal and Group Processes
Candidates who have been shortlisted in the examination for CRP SPL-VI will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organisations and coordinated by the nodal banks with the help of IBPS. Interviews will be conducted at select centres. The centre, address of the venue, time & date of Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their interview call letters from authorised IBPS website
1. Reasoning-50 Questions
Test of Reasoning- 50 marksIt consist of Input-output, puzzles, statement argument, statement and conclusion, statement and assumption, decision making, direction, Blood relation , coding decoding, direction sense etc.
2.English Language- 50 marks
It consist of a) Comprehension
b) Cloze test
c) Fill in the blanks
d) paragraph rearrangement
e) Antonyms, synonyms or idiom phrases also a part of paper usually
3. General Awareness-50 marks
General Awareness: In this section questions will be asked from:
Current Affairs -In current Affairs topics covered are
Recent appointments in India and World,
Person in news,
persons died,
Awards and Honours,
Sports events,
Important books and author,
Important Days,
Capital and currency,
recent committees,
Banking Awareness - recent banking updates , News related with RBI and knowledge of banking terms
4. Professional Knowledge -50 marks.
In this section questions asked from respective fields like IT, finance, Agriculture, marketing etc.
5. Quantitative Aptitude- 50Marks
In this section questions asked from D.I, series, time and work, miscellaneous,profit and loss, percentage,boat and stream, ratio, allegation, mixture etc.
IT Officer
1. Data Base Management System (DBMS) - RDBMS, Normalization, Overview of SQL queries, E- R Diagrams, Transaction Management
2. Data Communication & Networking – Network Architecture, OSI Model, TCP-IP Model, Data Communication, IP Addressing (Subnetting)
3. Operating System – Process, Thread, Types of OS, Semaphore, Scheduling, Dead Lock, Memory Partitioning, Page Replacement
4. Computer organization + Hardware (Microprocessor )
5. Network Security – Cyber Crimes, Risk Management, Firewall
6. Software Engineering –
7. Data Structures – Array, Linked List, Stacks
8. Web Technologies – HTML Tags, XML, Network Security
9. Programming Languages (BASIC) – C, C++, OOP (Objected oriented Programming)
Note- Maximum Questions asked from 1&2 above
HR syllabus Topics- Human Resource Management
-Human Resource Development: Strategies and Systems
-Human Resource Information System
-Recruitment & Selection
-Training and Development
-Rewards & Recognition
-Performance Management & Appraisal
-Management of Compensations and Benefits
-Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS- trade unions, laws etc
-Managing change and organizational effectiveness
Managing Interpersonal and Group Processes
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