Current Affairs Quiz Questions and Answers of 11-12 March 2017

Dear Readers presents Current Affairs Quiz Questions and Answers  of 11-12 2017 that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz for IBPS PO,clerk, RRB-Po,Clerk, SBI, NIACL,Railways and SSC Exams.

Current Affairs quiz

1. Arvind Padmanabhan, the noted journalist of IANS has recently passed away. What does IANS stands for?
Ans- Indo-Asian News Service

2. Who is the newly appointed chairman of the Central Water Commission (CWC)?
Ans-Narendra Kumar

3. Who is the author of the book “From Inside the Steel Frame: The Memoirs of an Administrator”?
Ans- Ashok Pandey

4. Which country has successfully test fired naval strike ballistic missile “Hormuz 2”?
Ans- Iran

5. Who has been appointed the new Deputy Governor in Reserve Bank of India (RBI)?
Ans- BP Kanungo

6. Who has been appointed as the new Ambassador of India to Nepal?
Ans- Manjeev Singh Puri

7. Who is the author of the book “‘The Travelling Belly: Eating Through India’s By-Lanes”?
Ans- Kalyan Karmakar

8. George A. Olah, the Nobel laureate has passed away. He won the Nobel prize in which field?
Ans- Chemistry

9. Which state government has launched mobile App “Mera Hunar” for job aspirants?
Ans-Himachal Pradesh

10. Which state government has launched a 24X7 toll free helpline number “181” for distressed women?
Ans- Odisha

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