1. Antonio Tajani, who has been elected the new President of European Parliament, is belonged to which country?
Ans- Italy
2. The book “Kalkatta” has been authored by whom?
Ans- Kunal Basu
3. Mawlynnong village, which is cleanest village in Asia, is located in which state?
Ans- Meghalaya
4. What is the India’s rank in the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Inclusive Development Index (IDI) for 2017?
Ans- 60th
5. Karang, which has become India’s first cashless island, is located in which state?
Ans- Manipur
6. Who won the 2016 T S Eliot Prize for Poetry?
Ans- Jacob Polley
7. The GST Council decided to rollout the Goods and Services Tax on…….?
Ans- 1st July 2017
8. Which Indian cricketer has been inducted into Legends Club “Hall of Fame”?
Ans- Kapil Dev
9. How much loan amount has been sanctioned by World Bank (WB) for “Nagaland Health Project”?
Ans- $48 million
10. Which country has recently become an associate member of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)?
Ans- India
Tags-Gk and Current Affairs Quiz, Current Affairs Quiz for Bank and SSC exams, Railways