1. Headquarters of World Bank situated at–?
1) Paris
2) New York
3) Basel
4) Vienna
5) Washington D.C.
2. What does WPI stand for?
1) Wholesale Price Index
2) Wholesale Price India
3) Wholesale Price International
4) Wholesale Price Industrial
5) Wholesale Prices Industries
3. Which commission distributes the taxes between centre and states ?
1) NITI Ayog
2) Board of Direct Taxes
3) Finance Commission
4) National Development Counsel
5) National Advisory Council
4. FD in a commercial bank can be done for a maximum period of
1) 15 yrs
2) 25 yrs
3) 10 yrs
4) No limit
5) None of these
5. The co-operative bank is governed by the banking regulation Act 1949 and co-operative societies Act of
1) 1962
2) 1963
3) 1960
4) 1969
5) 1965
6. Who provides refinance facilities to RRBs?
2) RBI
3) Government of India
5) None of these
7. How many digits are there in IFSC Code?
1) 10
2) 9
3) 12
4) 13
5) 11
8.Who is having the major stakes in NABARD?
1) RBI
2) Central Government
3) SBI
4) Ministry of Finance
5) None of these
9. When was SEBI established?
1) 1990
2) 1991
3) 1992
4) 1984
5) None of these
10. What is MZM in money market?
1) Money with highest return
2) Money with zero maturity
3) Money with sovereign guarantee
4) Monetary base or total currency
5) None of these
2- 1
4- 3
5- 5