Current Affairs Quiz of 25-26 August 2016


Dear Readers presents Current Affairs quiz of 25-26 August 2016 that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz prepared according to the latest Bank, SSC and other competitive exams.

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GK Booster of July 2016

Current Affairs Quiz of 25-26 August 2016

1. The first Children Court of South India has launched in which city?

2. What is the India’s rank on the 2016 World Risk Index?
Ans- 77th

3. Which company topped the Forbes list of The World’s Most Innovative Companies 2016?
Ans- Tesla Motors

4. Name the famous political leader who served as Governor of several States for a record period of 17 years and died in August 2016?
Ans- Akhlaq Ur Rahman Kidwai

5. The world’s first self-driving taxi service has been launched in which country?
Ans- Singapore

6. Who won the UEFA Best Player in Europe award for 2015-16?
Ans-Cristiano Ronaldo

7. Which State named Sakshi Malik, the woman wrestler who won the bronze medal at Rio Olympics, as its brand ambassador for Beti Bachao, Beti Padao campaign?
Ans- Haryana

8. Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary is located in which state of India?
Ans- Goa

9. Dr. A.R. Kidwai, who recently passed away, was related to which field?
Ans- Politics

10. K K Sreedharan Nair, who died recently, was associated with which field?

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