Current Affairs Quiz of 21-22 July 2016

Dear Readers presents Current Affairs quiz of 21-22 July 2016 that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz prepared according to the latest Bank, SSC and other competitive exams.

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Current Affairs Quiz of 21-22 July 2016

1. The Petrapole Integrated Check Post (ICP) has been launched between India and which neighboring countries?
Ans- Bangladesh

2. The first annual meeting of the Board of Governors of BRICS New Development Bank has been held in which country?

Ans- China

3. Who was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)?
Ans- Ajay Bhushan Pandey

4. Mohammad Shahid, who passed away recently, was the legendary player of which sports?

Ans- Hockey

5. Which Company topped the 2016 Fortune 500 list of the world’s biggest firms that was released on 21 July 2016?
Ans- Walmart

6. Name the country that declared a three-month state of emergency in the country?
Ans- Turkey

7. Who of the following is the author of book, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable?
Ans- Amitav Ghosh

8. Which state/UT introduced an online payment system for licensing and registration of food business operators in the national capital?

Ans- Delhi

9. The book “In the Name of Democracy: JP Movement and the Emergency” has been authored by whom?
Ans- Bipan Chandra

10. Name the former French cyclist, who rode in eleven editions of the Tour de France, who died recently?
Ans- Dominique Arnaud

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