Daily Current Affairs- 7th June 2016

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 Daily Current Affairs

Current Affairs Booster of May 2016

Daily Current Affairs- 7th June 2016

1. ADB and Union Government signed Loan Agreement to upgrade 176 Km of roads in Jharkhand
1. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Union Government signed the Loan Agreement for 200 million US dollars to upgrade 176 Kilometres of State roads in Jharkhand.
2. The agreement was signed by Raj Kumar. Joint Secretary (Multilateral Institutions), Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and by M. Teresa Kho, Country Director of ADB’s India Resident Mission.
3. Highlights of the agreement
• It will upgrade existing sections of four State roads to two lane standard and will also support improvements in the design, safety and maintenance of the network. 
• Besides upgrading 176 km of roads, the project will help the State develop an international standard road safety master plan for promoting road safety in Jharkhand. 

2. Rajiv Gauba Committee on Decongestion of Traffic in Delhi submitted report

1. The Rajiv Gauba Committee on Decongestion of Traffic in Delhi submitted its report to the Union Ministry of Urban Development.
2. To ensure a safe, sustainable, affordable, equitable, comfortable, accessible and environmental friendly public transport system in the city, the Committee recommended a 4-pronged strategy with the components of –
i. Improving Public Transport and Disincentivising use of private vehicles
ii. Promoting Road Safety and efficient Traffic Management
iii. Setting up Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority and enhancing institutional capacity
iv. Promotion of Transit Oriented Development through integrated land use and transportation planning

3. Exercise Desert Eagle-II concluded

1. Exercise Desert Eagle II, which was the second in the series of bilateral exercises between Indian Air Force (IAF) and United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAE AF), was concluded on 3 June 2016.
2. This was a ten-day air combat exercise in which the IAF and the UAE Air Force undertook air exercises from Al-Dhafra Air Base, Abu Dhabi starting from 22 May 2016.

4. India ranked 2nd on GRD index on ease of doing business

1. India has been ranked second position as per 2016 Global Retail Development Index (GRDI) released by London-based business consultancy A T Kearney. India has jumped 13 positions from last year (2015) to rank second among 30 developing countries on ease of doing business.

5. Rajasthan Government launches Mobile App RajVayu on Air Quality Index June

1. Rajasthan Government has launched mobile application RajVayu for sharing information about air quality index of Jaipur, Udaipur and Jodhpur. 
2. The app was launched by Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on the eve of World Environment Day (5th June). With this, Rajasthan becomes first state in country to launch such app for sharing information about air quality index of cities.

6. Himachal Pradesh becomes first state to launch green-concept based State Data Centre

1. Himachal Pradesh became the first state in the country to have a State Data Centre (SDC), designed using green data centre concept. It was launched by Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh in Shimla. 
2. The SDC will offer 101 people-oriented services online through an integrated data base. It would integrate the websites of various departments and all services can be accessed through the integrated data base.

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