Out of 6500 employees from the clerk profile in SBI, 21% of the total numbers of employees have expertise only in cash management 12% of the total numbers of employees have expertise only in loan handling, and 45% of the total numbers of employees have expertise only in account handling. 7% of the total number of employees have expertise only in settlement department and 10% of the total employees have expertise only in Human Resource Management 8% of the total number of employees have expertise in both cash management and settlement departments 45 of the total number of employees have expertise in human resource management as well as number of employees have expertise in loan namely and account handling. 9% of the total numbers of employees have expertise in cash management and loan handling and 3% of the total number resource management and settlement department and remaining have expertise on both cash management and loan handling.
1. What is the ratio of the number of employees expertise only in settlement department to the number of employees expertise only in cash management?
(1) 4:5
(2) 5:6
(3) 1:3
(4) 7:8
(5) None of these
2. How many employees have expertise only in account handling?
(1) 975
(2) 780
(3) 650
(4) 455
(5) None of these
3. What is the total number of employees expertise in loan handling?
(1) 2050
(2) 1300
(3) 1495
(4) 780
(5) None of these
4. Lowest numbers of employees have expertise in which of the following category?
(1) only loan handling
(2) only account handling
(3)only settlement department
(4)only human resource department
(5) cash management
5. Employees expertise in human resource management are approximately what percent of the total number of employees expertise in account handling?
(1) 52
(2) 61
(3) 57
(4) 45
(5) 48
Only cash management = 1365
Only loan handling = 780
Only account handling = 975
Only settlement department = 455
Only HR = 650
Both CM + SD = 520
Both HR + AH = 260
Both LH + AH = 585
Both HR + SD = 195
Both CM + LH = 715
Total = 6500
1. (3): Only settlement department/only cash management = 455/1365 = 1:3
2. (1): 975 only in account handling
3. (5): only loan handling = 780
Loan handling + account handling = 585
Loan handling + CM = 715
Total = 2080
4. (3): only settlement department = 455
5. (2): total employees in HRD/ Total employess in account handling 1105/1000 * 100 = 61%