Current Affairs Quiz 1-2 July 2019

Dear Readers presents Current Affairs quiz  that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz for IBPS PO,clerk, RRB-PO,Clerk, SBI, NIACL, Railways and SSC Exams.

Current Affairs and General Knowledge Quiz

1. Headquarters of International Labor Organisation was situated at which Place?
1. New York
2. Brazil
3. Geneva
4. India
2. Which among the following is capital of Maldives?
1. Male
2. Kulhudhuffushi
3. Rome
4. None of these

3. Which among the following appointed as new European Central Bank Head?
1. Mario Draghi
2. Christine Lagarde
3. Raghuram Rajan
4. None of These

4. Who was appointed as new head European Union Commission ?
1.  Angela Merkel
2. Ursula von der Leyen
3. Jean-Claude Juncker
4. None of these

5. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) constituted a working group to review regulatory guidelines and supervisory framework for Core Investment Companies (CIC). WHo among the following head the committee?
1. Tapan Ray
2. Urjit Patel
3. Shashi kanta Das
4. None of These

6. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has operationalized 1st ‘Aadhaar Seva Kendra’ (ASKs) at which place?
1. Delhi
2. Vijayawada
3. Both 1 and 2
4. None of these

7. INSTEX stands for ?
1. Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges
2. International in Support of Trade Exchanges
3. Ideology in Support of Trade Exchanges
4. None of These

8. Who has been elected as new chairman of Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN)?
1. Manoj Kumar Nambiar
2. Brajesh Pathak
3. Rajnish Kumar
4. Rajesh Jain

9. Which country has officially banned single-use plastic shopping bags with effect from 1 July 2019?
1. New Zealand
2. Pakistan
3. America
4. Australia

10. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has constituted a High-powered Committee of Chief Ministers (CMs) for ‘Transformation of Indian Agriculture’. Who among the following head this committee?
1. Narendra Singh Tomar
2. Ramesh Chand
3. Devendra Fadnavis
4. Ashok Gahlot

For Answers- Click Here

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