Current Affairs quiz of 23-24th January 2017

Dear Readers presents Current Affairs quiz of 23-24th January 2017 that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz for IBPS PO,clerk, RRB-Po,Clerk, SBI, NIACL,Railways and SSC Exams.

Current Affairs quiz

1. Which state will become the Indian state to opt for electronic transmission of postal ballot to service voters?
Ans- Goa

2. The National Tourism Day is celebrated on which day in India?
Ans- 24th January

3. Which committee has recently submitted report on Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) act to the Union Government?

Ans- N K Singh committee

4. The 2017 Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY) will be implemented through which insurance company?
Ans- LIC

5. The book “You Got Magic” has been authored by whom?
Ans- Neel Madhav

6. The Nagarhole National Park is located in which state?
Ans- Karnataka( also known as Rajiv Gandhi National Park)

7. The National Girl Child Day is celebrated on which day in India?

Ans- January 24

8. Jaswant Rai Sharma, who passed away recently, was the renowned poet of which language?
Ans- Urdu

9. “Aoba Velox-III” satellite, which has been successfully launched into orbit from the International Space Station (ISS), is belonged to which country?
Ans- Singapore

10. Who is present Governor of Assam ?
Ans- Banwarilal Purohit

Tags-Gk and Current Affairs Quiz, Current Affairs Quiz for Bank and SSC exams, Railways

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