Dear Readers presents Current Affairs quiz of 25-26 August 2016 that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz prepared according to the latest Bank, SSC and other competitive exams.
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Current Affairs Quiz collection of June 2016
GK Booster of July 2016
1. The first Children Court of South India has launched in which city?
2. What is the India’s rank on the 2016 World Risk Index?
Ans- 77th
3. Which company topped the Forbes list of The World’s Most Innovative Companies 2016?
Ans- Tesla Motors
4. Name the famous political leader who served as Governor of several States for a record period of 17 years and died in August 2016?
Ans- Akhlaq Ur Rahman Kidwai
5. The world’s first self-driving taxi service has been launched in which country?
Ans- Singapore
6. Who won the UEFA Best Player in Europe award for 2015-16?
Ans-Cristiano Ronaldo
7. Which State named Sakshi Malik, the woman wrestler who won the bronze medal at Rio Olympics, as its brand ambassador for Beti Bachao, Beti Padao campaign?
Ans- Haryana
8. Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary is located in which state of India?
Ans- Goa
9. Dr. A.R. Kidwai, who recently passed away, was related to which field?
Ans- Politics
10. K K Sreedharan Nair, who died recently, was associated with which field?