Q.1-5): Read the following Pie-chart carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Percentage wise distribution of candidates enrolled for MBA and the candidates who have successfully completed the course from different institutes.
Candidates who have successfully completed the course=1900
1).Which institute has the highest percentage of candidates successful to enrolled?
a) D
b) E
c) A
d) F
e) None of these
2).What percent of candidates from institute D have come out to be successful out of the total candidates enrolled from this institute?
a) 115
b) 95
c) 80
d) 85
e) None of these
3).What is the approximate percentage of candidates successful to enrolled from institute A?
a) 92
b) 89
c) 86
d) 96
e) 88
4).What is the ratio between the enrolled and successful candidates from the institutes B and C together?
a) 55:12
b) 5:7
c) 135:271
d) 5:3
e) None of these
5).What is the percentage of successful candidates from institute E and F together over the candidates enrolled from these institutes together?
a) 76
b) 105
c) 80
d) 74
e) None of these
(Q.6-10): Read the following graph carefully and the answer the questions given below.
Percentage profit of two companies in different years.
6).If total income of company B in 2008 was Rs.140 crore, what was the total expenditure of that company in the same year? (approx)
a) Rs.100.66 cr.
b) Rs.110.33 cr.
c) Rs.98.22 cr.
d) Rs.94.90 cr.
e) Rs.96.55 cr.
7).If total expenditure of company B in 2009 and 2010 was Rs.270 crore, what was total income of that company in both the same years?
a) Rs.121.5 cr.
b) Rs.135 cr.
c) Rs.140 cr.
d) Data inadequate
e) None of these
8).In which year was the total income more than double the total expenditure in that year for company A?
a) 2010
b) 2009
c) 2011
d) 2008
e) None of these
9).If the total expenditure of company A in 2010 was Rs.200 cr. What was the total income of that company in the same year?
a) Rs.260 cr.
b) Rs.300 cr.
c) Rs.160 cr.
d) Data inadequate
e) None of these
10).If the income of company A in 2009 was Rs.100 cr. Then what was the expenditure of company B in that year?
a) Rs.150 cr.
b) Rs.120 cr.
c) Rs.140 cr.
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
1). e)
1). e)
2). No. of enrolled candidate from institute D= (150/100)*2500=300
No. of successful candidates= (15/100)*1900=285
Required percentage= (285/300)*100=95%
3). No. of enrolled candidates from institute A = (15*100)*2500=375
No. of successful Candidates= (17/100)*1900=323
Required Percentage= (323/375)*100=86% (approx)
4). No. of enrolled candidates from institute B= (22/100)*2500=550
No. of enrolled candidates from institute C= (16/100)*2500=400
No. of successful candidates from institute B= (18/100)*1900=342
No. of successful candidates from institute C= (12/100)*1900=228
Total= 342+228=570
Required Ratio=570:950=5:3
5). No. of successful candidates from institute E= (9/100)*1900=171
No. of successful candidates from institute F=(16/100)*1900=304
Total 304+171=475
No. of enrolled candidates from institute E= (8/100)*2500=200
No. of enrolled candidates from institute F= (17/100)*2500=425
Required %= (475/625)*100=76%
6). Expenditure =140*(100/145) =Rs.96.55 cr. (approx)
7). Data inadequate
8). Income>2* expenditure profit should be more than 100%
9). Income=200*(150/100) =Rs.300 cr.
10). Answer: d)