Dena Bank Recruitment- Probationary Officer FAQ

Dear Readers, we are providing Frequently ask questions related with Dena Bank Recruitment- Probationary Officer  in Junior Management Grade Scale-I.

1. What is selection procedure for this recruitment?
Ans- Candidates shall be selected through a selection process consisting of
online exam (objective + descriptive) followed by Group Discussions and
Personal Interviews.
Selected candidates will attend one year intensive training programme under Post
Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance at Amity University.

Candidates are required to obtain a minimum score in each test and also a
minimum total score in the online test to be shortlisted for Group Discussion
& interview. Candidates will be shortlisted for Group Discussion & Interview
depending on the number of vacancies, cut-off in each test and total
marks secured in the online test as decided by the Bank
There will be descriptive paper for test of writing skill in English which has to be
completed in online mode only. The descriptive paper of only such
candidates will be assessed who secure a minimum qualifying mark in the
objective test.
Wrong answers in objective test will attract negative marks (1/4th of marks
assigned to that question) for the online test. Along with the call letters,
information hand-out and a sample test shall also be uploaded on the site
which candidates can take to familiarize themselves with the nature of Test &

2. What is education qualification for this recruitment?
Ans- Qualification (As on 01/04/2017) — Degree (Graduation) with minimum
60% (55% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in any discipline from a recognized
University OR any equivalent qualification as such recognized by Central

3. What is age criteria for this recruitment?
Ans-Age (As on 01/04/2017) Minimum 20 years- Maximum 29 years i.e.
A candidate must have been born not earlier than 01/04/1988 and not later
than 01/04/1998 (both dates inclusive).

4. What is starting and ending date for applying this recruitment?
Ans-Start date for Online Registration 18.04.2017
Online Payment of Application Fees 18.04.2017 to 09.05.2017
Last date for Online Registration 09.05.2017
Download of Call letter for Examination After 30.05.2017
Date of Examination (Tentative) 11.06.2017

5. How many vacancies are there ?
Ans- Total- 300
3 batches of students will be inducted in Amity University through this
current selection exercise for 2017-18 (April, 2017 to December, 2017). The
intake of students in each batch will be decided by the bank, as per the
The total number of Student intake is 300 and is provisional which may vary
depending upon future needs of the Bank & availability of candidates under
the respective category:-
UR- 206
OBC- 22

 6. Is there any interview for this recruitment?
Ans- Yes.
The aggregate marks of candidates qualifying in the Online Test will be
arranged in descending order in each category and the candidates in
the order of merit, subject to 4 times the number of intake in each
category, will be called for Group Discussion and Interview. The qualifying
marks in Group Discussion & Interview will be as decided by the Bank.
The final merit list for selection will be on the basis of performance in Online
Test (objective + descriptive), Group Discussion (GD) and Interview.

7. Is there any bond for this recruitment?
Ans- Yes.
The Officers recruited will have to execute a non-transferrable bond of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs
(Rs. Two Lakhs only) for a period of 4 years which will be effective from the date of
joining the course. The candidates will have to work for Dena Bank on recruitment as
Probationary Officer for a period of atleast 3 years on completion of the programme. The
candidate leaving the job during the period of service bond will be liable to pay the
service bond amount.

8. Is there any stipend during training?
Ans- The learner / candidate will be paid a stipend amount of Rs. 2,500/- (Rs. Two Thousand
Five Hundred only) every month for the entire duration of the programme in order to
meet their out of pocket expenses and their living expenses. Further, during the
internship of three months, additional stipend of Rs. 7,500/- will be paid.

9. What is fees for this programme?
Ans- The fees for this Course will be Rs. 3.00 lakhs (all inclusive of boarding,
Lodging and course fees, other fees, etc.) plus service taxes, as applicable to
be paid by the student.

10. Is there any loan facility for Fees?
Ans- Students can pay the course fees by availing Education Loan from Dena Bank
at a highly concessional rate of interest as per Education Loan Scheme of
the Dena Bank. Students can, therefore obtain a high quality specialized
course in Banking and Finance without any monetary burden on them and
fully financed by the Bank.
The EMIs for the loan would start on completion of the course duration (i.e.
one year from admission). There would be no recovery of EMIs or interest
during the training period and the interest accrued during this period would
be recovered along with the normal EMIs. The EMIs are spread over a period of 84 months (7 years) to ensure that there is minimal impact in the
monthly earnings of the PO.
The fees will be payable in three equal instalments at the start of every
The reimbursement of the fees will be made to the candidates after 5 years’ satisfactory
service in the Bank.

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