1. Birju Maharaj related to – Kathak dance
2. What is Silica gel?
3. If no atmosphere than what is the colour of the sky? Black
4. The partition of congress was done in which session- Surat Split
5. Ozone layer protects earth from which rays – UV
6. Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) submit his reports to whom? – President
7. Shiva Thapa is associated with which sports? -Boxing
8. Which country exited from European countries – Britain
9. Palk strait separate which country – India & Srilanka
10. First Council of Budhha – Rajgriha
11. HCL acid present in which digestive organ – Stomach
12. First woman president of Congress – Annie Besant
13. Which hill connects eastern and western ghats –Bilgiri Hills
14. Rhino speciality of which Indian National Park – Kaziranga National Park
15. Scheme for poor women upliftment –
16. Satavahana first king –
17. First Buddhist council held at – Rajgriha
18. Residex related to – Housing
19. Superfast AC Train having barely signal
20. Toughest natural substance – (wool, cotton, jute, silk) – Silk
21. Optical filter used for – to attenuate or enhance an image
22. Silver gets corroded due to presence of what in air –
23. Which is radioactive element – Uranium