Directions (Q. 1 – 5): Study the following information and answer the questions given below.
Vishal, Rohan, Anu, Yogendra, Akash and Ritu stay on different floors of a six-storey building
(ground floor is numbered as floor 1 and top floor is numbered as floor 6).
Each of them plays one of the following games: Golf, Hockey, Squash, Tennis, Chess and Volleyball,
but not necessarily in the same order.
Rohan stays on floor 4 and he plays neither Chess nor Volleyball. The one who plays Hockey
stays on floor 3. Akash plays Tennis and he doesn’t stays on either floor 1 or 6. Anu stays on floor
2 and plays Squash. Yogendra plays Volleyball but neither he nor Ritu stays on floor 1.
1. Who plays Golf?
1) Ritu
2) Yogendra
3) Rohan
4) Vishal
5) None of these
2. Which game does Vishal play?
1) Squash
2) Chess
3) Hockey
4) Golf
5) None of these
3. On which floor does Akash stay?
1) 5
2) 4
3) 3
4) 2
5) None of these
4. Who plays Hockey?
1) Rohan
2) Vishal
3) Ritu
4) Anu
5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations is true?
1) Vishal—Floor 1—Hockey
2) Akash—Floor 5—Chess
3) Yogendra—Floor 6 — Volleyball
4) Rohan—Floor 4—Chess
5) None of these
Eight friends – Romil, Ramesh, Rakesh, Rohit, Rahul, Abhijit, Abhishek and Anil – are sitting around a circular table, not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are facing inside others are facing outside. They are belong to eight different cities – Bhopal, Patna, Kolkata, Delhi, Gwalior, Bengaluru, Chennai and Rajkot, but not necessarily in the same order.
Abhijit faces the Centre and sits third to the right of Rakesh. Rohit belongs to Kolkata and faces the person who belongs to Bengaluru. Abhishesk sits third to the right of Ramesh, who stays in Bhopal. The persons who belong to Delhi and Gwalior are facing to the same direction (inside or outside). Rahul is sitting between the person who belongs to Kolkata and the one from Rajkot respectively. Romil belongs to Gwalior and Rakesh belongs to Patna. The person who belongs to Chennai is facing outward and immediate neighbor of Rajkot. Anil is immediate neighbor of the persons who belong to Gwalior and Chennai. Rahul is immediate left of Rohit.
Q6. Who belongs to Bengaluru?
1) Romil
2) Rohit
3) Anil
4) Abhishek
5) Rahul
Q7. Immediate neighbors of Romil?
1) Romesh and Rakesh
2) Rahul and Rohit
3) Anil and Ramesh
4) Abhishek and Rahul
5) Rohit and Abhijeet
Q8. Which of the following pair is true?
1) Romil – Bhopal
2) Anil – Bengaluru
3) Rohit – Delhi
4) Abhijeet – Delhi
5) Abhishek – Patna
Q9. Position of Ramesh with respect to Rahul?
1) Third to the right
2) Fourth to the left
3) Fifth to the right
4) Second to the right
5) Third to the left
Q10. If Rohit and Anil interchange their positions and similarly Abhijit and Rakesh interchange their positions then what is the position of Romil with respect to Rakesh?
1) Third to the left
2) Third to the right
3) Second to the left
4) Immediate left
5) None of these
Directions (Q.11-13): Below in each question are given two statements (I) and (II). These statements may be effects of independent causes may be effects of independent causes or of a common cause. One of these statements may be the effect of the other statement. Read both the statements and decide which of the following answer choices correctly depicts the relationship between these two statements:
Marks answer
(a) If statement (I) is the cause and statement (II) is its effect
(b) If statement (II) is the cause and statement (I) is its effect
(c) If both the statement (I) and (II) are independent causes
(d) If both the statements (I) and (II) are effects of independent causes
(e) If both the statements (I) and (II) are effects of some common cause.
I. The average day temperature of the city has increased by about 2 degrees in the current year over the average of past ten years.
II.More people living in rural areas of the state have started migrating to the urban areas in
comparison with the earlier year.
I. Most of the shopkeepers in the locality closed their shops for the second continuous day.
II. Two groups of people living in the locality have been fighting with each other with bricks and stones, forcing people to stay indoors.
I.TheGovt has decided to increase the prices of LPG cylinders with immediate effect.
II. TheGovt has decided to increase the prices of kerosene with immediate effect.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows.
c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e) If both conclusion I and II follow.
14. Statement: N=K, D≤K, R<K
I. D=N
15. Statement:F≤M, M>R, K≥F
I. M>K
(a) if only assumption I is implicit.
(b) if only assumption II is implicit.
(c) if either assumption I or assumption II is implicit.
(d) if neither of the assumptions is implicit.
(e) if both the assumptions are implicit.
16. Statement : ‘You are expected to be frank and objective while writing yourself appraisal report’ – An institution for writing self appraisal report.
Assumptions :
I. Unless cautioned, people may tend to be little shy and less objective while writing their self appraisal report.
II. Every self appraisal report helps the person in his further development.
17. Statement : The higher echelon of any organisation are expected to be models of observational learning and should not be considered as merely sources of reward and punishments.
Assumptions :
I. Employees are likely to be sensitive enough to learn by observing the behaviour of their bosses.
II. Normally bosses are considered as sources of reward and punishment.
Directions (Q. 18-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow—
‘K @ R’ means ‘K is wife of R’
‘K# R’ means ‘K is son of R’
‘K $ R’ means ‘K is father of R’
‘K% R’ means ‘K is sister of R’
18. Which of the following expression represents the relationship ‘T is mother of N’?
(a) T@R$P%N
(b) T@R#P$N
(c) T%R$P@N
(d) T$R%P$N
(e) T#R%P@N
19. In expressions ‘A % B #C $ D’ how is A related to D?
(a) brother-in-law
(b) sister
(c) brother
(d) cousin
(e) None of these
20. Which of the following expression represents the relationship ‘M is brother of G’?
(a) G#T$M
(b) M#T%G
(c) M%G$T
(d) G%M$T
(e) None of these
‘Directions (21-25): Given an input line a machine generates passcodes step by step following certain rules (as illustrated below: is to be used.
Input: talk seven 37 48 given 83 likely 62
Step I: 37 talk seven 48 given 83 likely 62
Step II : 37 talk 48 seven given 83 likely 62
Step III: 37 talk48 seven 62 given 83 likely
Step IV: 37 talk 48 seven 62 likely given 83
Step V: 37 talk 48 seven 62 likely 83 given
Step VI is the last step for this input.
21. Step II for an input is ’23 working 48 32 park blossom 26 garden”. What will be the fifth step?
a) 23 working 26 park 48 32 blossom garden
b) 23 working 26 park 32 48 blossom garden
c) 23 working 26 32 park 48 blossom garden
d) 23 working.26 48 park 32 blossom garden
e) None of these
22. Second step of an input is ‘’12 where 82 33 great wall 49 just”. Which step will be the last step?
a) VI
b) VII
d) IV
e) None of these
23. What will be Step III for the following input?
a) 18 phone 46 link computer 75 32 diary
b) 18 phone 32 link 46 computer 75 diary
c) 18 phone 32 computer link 7S 46 diary
d) 18 phone 32 link computer 75 46 diary
e) None of these
24. Step IV of an input is “22 united 37 trading killer 45 72 jogger”. What will be the input definitely?
a) United 22 37jogger 45 trading 72 killer
b) united trading 22 37 jogger 45 72 killer
c) united 22 trading jogger 37 killer 4572
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
25. What will be the third step of an input whose first step is ‘’17 45 follow rule examination 36 85 hut”?
a) 17 rule 3645 follow examination 85 hut
b) 17 rule 36 45 follow 85 examination hut
c) 17 rule 36 45 examination follow 85 hut
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
Direction 26-30 : In the following questions, the symbols are used with the following meaning as illustrated below.
A$ B’ means ‘A is greater than B’.
A@ B’ means ‘A is smaller than B’
‘A # B’ means ‘A is either smaller than or equal to B’.
A% B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’.
‘A* B’ means ‘A is either greater than or equal to B’.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I, II, given below them is/are definitely true
Give Answer
1) if Only conclusion I is true
2) if only conclusion II is true
3) if either conclusion I or II is true
4) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
5. If both conclusions I and II are true.
26. Statement H # T, T@ L, L % F
Conclusions- I. F $ H II. H # L
27. Statement V $ I, I * M, M # Q
Conclusion- I. I # Q II. I * Q
28. Statement P @ W, W * D, D $ J
Conclusion- I. J @ P II. J @ W
29. Statement E @ U, U % R, R $ F
Conclusion-I.E $ F II. E * F
30. Statement T # J, J * I, I @ W
Conclusion – I. J @ W II. T % I
Directions (Q. 31 – 35): Study the following information and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends P,Q,R,S,T,V,W and Y are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside.
S sits third to the right of P. P faces the centre. Y is not an immediate neighbor of P or S. T sits third to the right of R. R doesnot sit in the middle of any of the sides and also R is not an immediate neighbor of Y. Only one person sits between P and V. Q is not an immediate neighbor of V.
31 .If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order in clockwise direction, starting from P, the positions of how many (excluding P) will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating positions?
A None
B One
C Two
D Three
E Four
32. Which of the following is true regarding Y?
A T is not immediate neighbor of Y
B Y sits in the middle of one of the sides
C R sits second to left of Y
D P and V are immediate neighbors of Y
E None is true
33. Who amongst the following sits fourth to the left of V?
34. What is the position of Q with respect to R?
A Immediately to the left
B Second to the left
C Third to the left
D Third to the right
E Immediately to the right
35. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that doesnot belong to the group?