Total 56 RRBs are participating in IBPS RRB-V Recruitment process. There is around 16560 vacancies this time.
Vacancies Details
Office Assistants (Multipurpose): 8824 Posts
Officers Scale I: 5539 Posts
Officers Scale II (Agriculture Officer): 152 Posts
Officers Scale II (Marketing Officer): 75 Posts
Officers Scale II (Treasury Manager): 19 Posts
Officers Scale II (Law Officer): 55 Posts
Officers Scale II (Chartered Accountant): 35 Posts
Officers Scale II (Information Technology Officer): 130 Posts
Officers Scale II (General Banking Officer): 1533 Posts
Officers Scale III: 198 Posts
How to calculate 80:30 for Final Allotment ?
Lets take exam – if you score 120 marks in written marks the-
and Your Interview marks calculated like=( 70*20)/100=14 (If you get 70 marks in Interview)
Total 48+14= 62
This is how final marks calculated for Allotment.
Using this you can calculate your marks in interview once final result out.
Minimum Marks for Interview?
Every candidate need to secure minimum passing marks in interview, otherwise he/she not consider for allotment.
40 marks for General/OBC and 35 Marks for SC/ST are minimum passing marks.
Your Allotment depend on many factors-
1. How much marks you secure above cutoffs in written exam and your interview performance.
2. Allotment in particular mark depend on number of candidates taken that bank his/her choice and number of candidates above you for that bank.
IBPS do allotment through automated process in which software checks your preference and allot accordingly.
Example suppose Aryabrat bank has 500 vacancy and it is your first choice. During allotment software checks how many candidate above you given this bank as first choice and when your number comes bank remain vacancy or not. If particular bank has vacancy then you alloted that bank otherwise your second choice consider , then third and so on.
3. For RRB local language is essential, so during interview they check local language also, so your interview marks depend on your understanding of local language also.
RRB-V Exam Pattern
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