1.Exasperation (noun)- क्रोध, खीज, जलन
Meaning::The state of being irritated
Synonym:irritation, frustration
Antonym :delight, joy, pleasure
2.Absolve (verb):निरपराध ठहराना, पापमुक्त करना
Meaning:To forgive; to free from guilt
Synonym:exculpate, pardon
Antonym :charge, impeach, indict; convict
3.Epitaph (noun)- समाधि-लेख (m), स्मारक (m)
Meaning:Brief statement honoring a dead person
Synonym:inscription, eulogy
4.misanthrope- मानवद्वेषी (m), लोगों से घृणा करने वाला (m)
Meaning:a person who does not like other people
Synonym:cynic, naysayer, pessimist
Antonym : idealist, sentimentalist, optimist,
5.obviate- टालना, बचना
Meaning:to make (something) no longer necessary : to prevent or avoid (something)
Synonym: avert, forestall,prevent, preclude,
Antonym :cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote
6.culpable- निंदनीय, सदोष, अपराधपूर्ण
Meaning:deserving blame : guilty of doing something wrong
Synonym:censurable, blameworthy, reprehensible,
Antonym :flawless, perfect, pure; guiltless, innocent
7.Irate- क्रुद्ध, क्रोधित
Meaning: very angry
Synonym: angered, apoplectic
8.Intimidating- भयभीत करने वाला
Meaning: to make (someone) afraid
Synonym: bully
9.Droll- हास्यकर
Meaning: having an odd and amusing quality
Synonym: antic, chuckle some
10.Inveigle- फुसलाना, मनाना
Meaning: to persuade (someone) to do something in a clever or deceptive way
Synonym: lure, entice
Sentence: She inveigled him to write the letter.