No English is SSC CGL 2017 Mains- Rumors or Truth?

Dear Readers, These days their is a strong rumors that SSC CGL 2017 Mains exam does not have English paper.

Many people are talking about this and seeing it as a possible reason for delay in SSC CGL 2017 notification.

Although , their is a demand of removal of English paper from SSC CGL mains exam from last few years. Most of Hindi students depends for removal of English.

Main reasons behind such rumors-
1. Most of post that fill through SSC CGL is of officer cadre. So it is demanded that weight age should be given to General studies like IAS exams.
2. SSC officials are also expected to have good knowledge of current events like Bank officials.
3. SSC has not issue till now any notification regarding cause of delay in Notification.

Our Suggestions to SSC Aspirants-
1. Do not believe on rumors till SSC Official notification comes.
2. Continue your SSC CGL 2017 preparation as per pattern of 2016 till official notification, if any, regarding change in Tier-II paper pattern.

Keep watching ExamGuruAdda for recent updates on SSC CGL 2017 Notification or change in exam pattern.

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