Dear Readers, Practice Reasoning Quiz for IBPS , India Post, RRB, Central Warehouse recruitment.
Directions (Q. 1-5): Each of the questions below consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Read both statements and give answer.
1) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, While the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
2) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
3) If data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
4) If the data in statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
5) If the data in both statement I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
1. Among Arun, Farhan, Dolly, Era, Chintu and Babu, who the lightest than only the heaviest?
I. Babu is heavier than Arun and Era.
II. Farhan is heavier than Babu but lighter than Dolly, who is not the heaviest.
2. How is M related to N?
I. N is the only daughter of Y, who is P’s grand father.
II. P is sister of S, who is son of M.
3. Six person M, N, O, P, R and S are sitting around a circular table facing centre. Who is sitting on the immediate left of M?
I. N is sitting opposite O, and P is sitting opposite R.
II. S is sitting on immediate left of N.
4. In which direction city A is with respect to city B?
I. A is in south of X, Which is to the east of P.
II. A is to the south- east of P. X is to the south-east of B.
5. How many students are there in the class?
I. Richa’s rank is 19 from the bottom and she is 4 ranks above of Nilesh.
II. Anuj’s rank is 7th from the top and is 8 ranks above Tarun, Who is 30 from the bottom.
Directions (Q. 6-8):- Study the following information carefully and answer the given question :
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circle, facing the centre. U sits to the immediate right of S and third to the left of P. V sits third to the left of S, who does not sit next to T. Q sits next to V but not next to S. R does not sit next to either S or P.
6. Who sits to the immediate left of P ?
1) T
2) U
3) V
4) W
5) None of these
7. What is the position of W with respect to R ?
1) Second to the left
2) First to the right
3) Third to the right
4) Second to the right
5) None of these
8. Which of the following pairs sits between S and V ?
1) P R
2) U W
3) W Q
4) U P
5) None of these
9. B is the sister of A. D is B’s father-in-law. How is A related to D ?
1) Daughter – in-law
2) Son-in-law
3) Daughter
4) Son
5) None of these
10. A’s sister B is the daughter-in-law of C. C is D’s wife. How is A related to D ?
1) Daughter-in-law’s brother
2) Daughter-in-law’s sister
3) Daughter
4) Son
5) Either 1) or 2)
1. 5
From I: Babu > Arun > Era
From II: Dolly > Farhan > Babu and Dolly is not heaviest.
From I and II together:
Chintu > Dolly > Farhan > babu > Arun and Era, Chintu must be the heaviest so, Dolly will be the only one lighter than heaviest. Thus, both I and II are necessary.
2. 5
From I
Nothing is said about M so we can’t find relationship between M and N. So, I is not sufficient alone.
From II
Nothing is said about N so we can’t find
relationship between M & N. So, II alone is not sufficient
From I and II together:
M is husband of N. Thus, both I and II are necessary.
3. 4
From I and II together
So, either R or P is on the left of M. So, we can’t be sure. Thus, I and II are not sufficient.
4. 5
From I:
So, we can’t find the direction of A with respect to B because there is nothing given about B.
From II:
We can’t find direction of with respect to B because there in nothing given about the relations between B and A.
So, A is to the South-east of B.
Thus, both I and II are sufficient.
5. 2
From I : Since Nilesh rank not specified, we can’t determine total no. of students.
From II: Anuj is seventh from top & 8 ranks above Tarun that means there are 7 students between them. Tarun’s rank from the bottom is 30.
So, No. of students= (8 + 7 + 30 – 1) = 44
Hence, only II is sufficient.
(Q. 6 – 8):
6. 1
7. 5
8. 3
9. 5
10. 5