Directions (Q. 1 – 10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5), i.e. ‘No error’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
1. (1)/These companies have been asked (2)/ to furnish their financial details (3)/ and information about (4)/ its board members. (5)/ No error
2. (1)/ The scheme which will be launched (2)/ during the next two years (3)/ require an additional investment (4)/ of one hundred crores. (5)/ No error
3. (1)/ Road developers unable (2)/ to finish their projects (3)/ on time will not be (4)/ awarded new ones. (5)/ No error
4. (1)/ We have taken on (2)/ the responsibility of (3)/ arranging the required training (4)/ and supervise the new staff. (5)/ No error
5. (1)/ The government has signed (2)/ a memorandum of understanding with (3)/ the company to set up (4)/ a plant in the state. (5)/ No error
6. (1)/ Owing the new policy (2)/ we feel that the targets (3)/ set for this year (4)/ may not be achieved. (5)/ No error
7. (1)/ Since the lack of (2)/ manpower we cannot (3)/ conduct the survey (4)/ in rural areas. (5)/ No error
8. (1)/ Palm oil is very beneficial (2)/ and is use to (3)/ make products ranging (4)/ from soap to biodiesel. (5)/ No error
9. (1)/ There are only (2)/ a few company (3)/ who can handle (4)/ projects of this magnitude. (5)/ No error
10. (1)/ The data shows that (2)/ the unemployment rate has (3)/ raised to 6.1 percent, (4)/ the highest in five years. (5)/ No error
Solution : –
1.(4) Substitute their for its.
2.(3) Substitute requires.
3.(3) Substitute in
4.(4) Substitute supervising.
6.(1) It should be: “Owing to the…..”
7.(1) It should be “Since we lack”
8.(2) Substitute used.
9.(2) Substitute companies.
10.(3) Substitute risen.