#SSC CGL 2017 Exam Notification
On 18th October, 2016, SSC 2017 Exam Calendar was announced and this calendar has the Tentative Schedule of All the SSC Exams to be held in 2017. As per the Exam Calendar, SSC CGL 2017 Notification, will be announced on 11th March, 2017 and Tier-1 Exam is scheduled in June/July, 2017 .
This is for the first time, that SSC Exam Calendar has been announced so early, most of the time it is announced by the end of the year.
1) Announcement of Notification : 16th May, 2017
2) Closing Date of CGL Online application: 16th june, 2017
3) Date of SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam: 1st August to 20th August, 2017
Many a times, the Notification and Exam dates are postponed. So exact dates will be available once notification will out.
#Eligibility Criteria for SSC CGL 2017
Educational Qualification: To apply for SSC CGL 2017 Exam, you must full fill the below mentioned educational conditions.
1) For Assistant Audit Officer: The essential qualification is degree in any discipline from a recognized University . However the desirable qualification for this post is M Com, Chartered Accountant OR Cost and Management Account OR Company Secretary OR Masters in Business Studies OR MBA (finance) OR Master in Economics Business.
2) For Statistical Investigator GR II: Applicant must be a graduate along with 60% in Mathematics, at 12th Level OR Degree in any discipline, with Statistics, as one of the subject in graduation.
3) Compiler: To apply for compiler’s post, applicant must have degree in any discipline, with Economics, Maths and Statistics as one of the subject at degree level
4) For All Other Posts: Graduation in Any Discipline from a recognized Indian University.
#Revised Age Limit for SSC CGL 2017 Exam Registration
#1. Age limit for SSC CGL 2017 will be reckoned as on 1st August, 2017:
Applicants must note that Age limit is increased only for the below mentioned Group B posts under the Grade pay of Rs 4200, Rs 4600 and Rs 4800.
1) Assistants in CVC : 18 to 30 years
2) Assistant in Home Affairs: 21 to 30 years
3) Assistant in Railways: 18 to 30 years
4) Assistant in External Affairs: 18 to 30 years
5) Assistants in Ministry of Defence: 18 to 30 years
6) Assistant Other Ministries : 18 to 30 years
7) Inspector of Income Tax: 18 to 30 years
8) Inspector (Excise): 18 to 30 years
9) Inspector (Preventive Officer): 18 to 30 years
10) Inspector (Examiner): 18 to 30 years
11) Assistant Enforcement Officer: 18 to 30 years
12) Inspector of posts: .18 to 30 years
13) Divisional Accountant: 18 to 30 years
14) Inspector (Narcotics): 18 to 30 years.
Other posts for Which the Upper Age Limit is already 30 years or above, as per the previous SSC Notification
1) Assistant in CSS: 18 to 30 years
2) Sub-Inspector in CBI: 18 to 30 years
3) Sub-Inspector in NIA: 18 to 30 years
4) AAO: 18 to 30 years
5) Statistical Investigator: Max: 32 years
#2. Age Relaxation for SSC CGL 2017
SC/ST → 5 years
OBC → 3 years
PH → 10 years
PH + OBC → 13 years
PH + SC/ST → 15 years
Ex-servicemen (Gen) → 3 years
Ex-servicemnen (SC/ST) → 6 years
Ex-servicemnen (OBC) → 8 years
For Age related SSC Notice click Here
According to the Detailed Schedule released by the commission earlier this year, the SSC CGL 2017 Registration will take place from March 2017 and will go on until 15th, April 2017. The SSC CGL Tier I exam is scheduled to be conducted from 19 June 2017 (tentatively).
# SSC CGL 2017 Vacancy Details
#SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2017
Now SSC will conduct both Tier -I and Tier II exam in online mode.Introduce a descriptive paper of 100 marks within 60 minutes in pen and paper mode. Reduce the time limit for examination of Tier -I from 120 minutes to 75 minutes.
Tier II will remain same.
No Sectional Cut off.
The Examination will be conducted in four tiers as indicated below:
Tier -I — Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -II — Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -III –Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi (writing of Essay/Precis/Letter /Application Writing
Tier -IV — Computer Proficiency Test/ Skill Test (wherever applicable)/ Document Verification