SSC CGL Tier-I Result update

Dear Readers, as per information SSC CGL TIER-I exam result is expected to be announce on 7th October 2016 I.e today.

In SSC CGL TIER I Exam huge number of candidates appeared for the examination. SSC released the response sheet/ answer key on 21 September 2016 through which candidates were able to tally the paper but the result is eagerly awaited.

SSC had released the response sheet/ answer key on 21 September 2016 through which candidates were able to tally the paper but the result is eagerly awaited.

Candidates who will be selected in SSC CGL TIER I Exam will be required to appear for SSC CGL TIER II Exam which is tentatively is scheduled to be held in the month of November. The overall selection procedure for SSC CGL Exam 2016 includes Written Examination, Data Entry Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test and Document verification.

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