Dear Readers, we are presenting General Studies Questions asked in SSC CHSL Exam of 9th January 2017 all shifts.
2. Electric tram was invented by – Fyodor Pirotsky.
3. Theory of Relativity given by? – Albert Einstein.
4. Hottest planet of our Solar system – Venus.
5. For which sport is Limba Ram famous- Archery
6. Who won the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2016- Leonardo Dicaprio
7. Desert festival is celebrated in– Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.
8. Term period of Rajya Sabha Members is – 6 years.
9. Device used for measuring the Depth of Ocean– Fathometer.
10. Ecology term is coined by – Ernst Haeckel.
11. Who is the author of ‘Glimpses of World History’ – Jawaharlal Nehru.
12. Who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi – Nathuram Godse.
13. Pablo Picasso was a native of – Spain.
14. Which of the following has the higher density- Ice, water, ethyl alcohol, acetone – Water
15. Who wrote “Glimpse of World History” – Jawaharlal Nehru
16. What is the study of birds called- Ornithology
17. Oxidation process of metals is also known as- Rusting
2. Who invented Electric Chair – Alfred. P Southwick.
3. What is strength of Rajya Sabha – 250.
4. Sports that Srikanth Kidambi is related to – Badminton.
5. Study of Universe is called – Cosmology.
6. Who first found Nitrogen gas – Daniel Rutherford.
7. What kind of soil do mangroves grow in- Blackish
8. Which is the most efficient type of power plant which produces most energy- Nuclear
9. Oxidation and Reduction reactions are together known as- Redox reactions
10. Which device is used to detect alpha and beta rays- Geiger Counter
11. Who acted in the movie “Top Gun”- Tom Cruise
12. “Don’t Be Evil” is the slogan of which company- Google
13. What is the scientific name of a squirrel- Sciuridae is the family and the name of species is Scurius caroleinesis
14. Which movie won the Best foreign film at Oscars 2016- Son of Saul
15. Who wrote the book “Life Itself- Roger Ebert
16. Hitler belonged to which country- German politician (born in Austria).
17. Which film won the Oscar for Best Movie in 2014- 12 Years a Slave
18. Hematite ore is a mineral of- Iron Oxide
19. Chronological order of Gandhi’s Satyagrahas?
20. Siemens is a unit for- Electrical Conductance
21. Which is the longest day on northern hemisphere- June 21
22. Who was the wife of Prithviraj Chauhan- Samyukta
SSC CHSL General Studies Questions Asked 9th January 2017 Shift-1
1. Nalanda University is in which state– Bihar.
2. Electric tram was invented by – Fyodor Pirotsky.
3. Theory of Relativity given by? – Albert Einstein.
4. Hottest planet of our Solar system – Venus.
5. For which sport is Limba Ram famous- Archery
6. Who won the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2016- Leonardo Dicaprio
7. Desert festival is celebrated in– Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.
8. Term period of Rajya Sabha Members is – 6 years.
9. Device used for measuring the Depth of Ocean– Fathometer.
10. Ecology term is coined by – Ernst Haeckel.
11. Who is the author of ‘Glimpses of World History’ – Jawaharlal Nehru.
12. Who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi – Nathuram Godse.
13. Pablo Picasso was a native of – Spain.
14. Which of the following has the higher density- Ice, water, ethyl alcohol, acetone – Water
15. Who wrote “Glimpse of World History” – Jawaharlal Nehru
16. What is the study of birds called- Ornithology
17. Oxidation process of metals is also known as- Rusting
SSC CHSL General Studies Questions Asked 9th January 2017 Shift-2
1. World famous Konark Sum Temple was built by – King Narsimhadeva I.
2. Who invented Electric Chair – Alfred. P Southwick.
3. What is strength of Rajya Sabha – 250.
4. Sports that Srikanth Kidambi is related to – Badminton.
5. Study of Universe is called – Cosmology.
6. Who first found Nitrogen gas – Daniel Rutherford.
7. What kind of soil do mangroves grow in- Blackish
8. Which is the most efficient type of power plant which produces most energy- Nuclear
9. Oxidation and Reduction reactions are together known as- Redox reactions
10. Which device is used to detect alpha and beta rays- Geiger Counter
11. Who acted in the movie “Top Gun”- Tom Cruise
12. “Don’t Be Evil” is the slogan of which company- Google
13. What is the scientific name of a squirrel- Sciuridae is the family and the name of species is Scurius caroleinesis
14. Which movie won the Best foreign film at Oscars 2016- Son of Saul
15. Who wrote the book “Life Itself- Roger Ebert
16. Hitler belonged to which country- German politician (born in Austria).
17. Which film won the Oscar for Best Movie in 2014- 12 Years a Slave
18. Hematite ore is a mineral of- Iron Oxide
19. Chronological order of Gandhi’s Satyagrahas?
20. Siemens is a unit for- Electrical Conductance
21. Which is the longest day on northern hemisphere- June 21
22. Who was the wife of Prithviraj Chauhan- Samyukta